
"If there are to be problems, may they come during my life-time so that I can resolve them and give my children the chance of a good life."

Kenyan proverb

"Then I say the Earth belongs to each generation during its course, fully and in its right no generation can contract debts greater than may be paid during the course of its existence"

Thomas Jefferson, September 6, 1789

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

The Report of the U.N. Brundtland Commission, Our Common Future, 1987

Under the patronage:

Special sessions

SPECIAL SESSION: Renewable energy systems modelling and planning fostering Energy and Climate Plans implementation - from National scale to Small Islands
Session resume:

Increasing commitment for the transition from fossil-based energy systems to the ones with higher share of renewables characterizes the policy agenda of all the European member states for achieving the 2030 targets of their National Energy and Climate Plans. However, the peculiarities of each context call for modelling techniques and planning strategies fitting for it. Further challenges are posed by weak or even absent connection to the Grid which in the last century was the only supply driven by the National policy. At the same time, the paradigm shift to the Distributed Generation, mainly quickened by incentive schemes for RES deployment, and, subsequently, the appearance of producers and consumers (prosumers) push the change of energy market. Hence, this Special Session will mainly focus on:

  • Renewable energy system analysis;
  • Modelling and planning at different scales, technologies and connection, e.g. from Grid-connected National Wind farm to off-Grid wave energy converters for Islands;
  • Smart Energy System approach coupling electricity, heating/cooling and transport sectors;
  • Innovative systems layouts such as poly-generation;
  • Blue energy technologies: offshore wind, floating PV, wave and tidal current converters;
  • Energy analytics and techno-economic optimization for selecting the best configuration;
  • Storage technologies for increasing variable RES penetration;
  • Energy policies and strategies for achieving decarbonization targets at different scales.

Prof. Benedetto Nastasi
Tor Vergata University of Rome
Rome, Italy
Benedetto Nastasi is Associate Professor & Senior Energy Planner at Department of Industrial Engineering at Tor Vergata University of Rome. He got the PhD title with Honors from Sapienza University of Rome with a dissertation in Energy Systems Planning and Design. The core of his thesis was published in Energy (Elsevier) and became one of the Most Cited Paper 2016. He was rewarded for the Best Poster at 2nd SEE SDEWES Conference 2016 and Best Senior Researcher at SES4DH Conference 2018. Previous affiliations include TU/e Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, International Solar Energy Society and Guglielmo Marconi University, Italy. He is Editor at Renewable Energy (Elsevier) and Energies (MDPI), Associate Editor of Sustainable Buildings (EDP Sciences), Guest Editor at Frontiers in Energy Research, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy and Energies. His work is related to Power-to-What solutions for energy systems design with a specific focus on Built Environment. He authored more than 100 publications (H Index 39 in Scopus database).
Prof. Davide Astiaso Garcia
Sapienza University of Rome
Rome, Italy
Davide Astiaso Garcia is Full Professor of Building Physics and Energy Systems at the Department of Astronautical, Electrical and Energy Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, of Sapienza University of Rome. He is the Secretary General of the Italian Wind Energy Association (ANEV).
His full operating skills include, among others: Wind Energy, other renewable energies, smart energy systems, energy efficiency in buildings.
Astiaso Garcia has an extensive publication record, including more than 160 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals indexed in Scopus database. Astiaso Garcia’s publications have received over 5..000 citations in Scopus, where he has an h-index of 42. He has a body of funded research comprising over €2.5M in European research projects on competitive funds and he works as expert of the European Commission for the evaluation of Horizon Europe project proposals.
In particular, he has participated in more than 15 European and national research projects in the field of renewable energies and smart energy systems (in many cases as Principal Investigator and Project Coordinator).
Since 2019, he is included in the World's Top 2% Scientists List in the Energy field both for the whole carrier and for the last year publications according to the "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators" Elsevier and SciTech Strategies (Stanford University).
Prof. Daniele Groppi
Tuscia University
Rome, Italy
Daniele Groppi is assistant professor at Tuscia University. Daniele Groppi obtained his PhD in Sapienza University of Rome with a thesis entitles "The role of sector coupling in planning the transition of a smart energy island". His research fields are energy planning, energy systems modelling and design. Within his Ph.D. project, he analysed Smart Energy Systems in order to increase the RES penetration of energy island systems by fully exploiting the synergies offered by sector coupling and demand side management solutions aiming at an optimal energy use. He has been collaborating in several EU funded projects such as the PRISMI project ( where he dealt with the energy plan of Favignana island, Italy; and the GIFT project ( in which he will analyse the flexibility potential of the local energy community in the island of Procida, Italy, and will then investigate on the introduction of a capacity market on the island. Results of his work have been published in more than 50 papers in Scopus database leading to a h-index of 23.

Invited papers (10)
SPECIAL SESSION: Sustainable combustion - Dedicated to Prof. Mario Costa
Session resume:

Prof. Milan Vujanović
University of Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia
Milan Vujanović is a researcher and team leader of CFD Combustion Research Group and head of the Power Engineering and Energy Management Chair at Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb.
Prof. Vujanović holds PhD in “numerical modelling of multiphase flow in the combustion of fuels”. His research is in the areas of modelling and simulation of turbulent combustion, pollution formation, multiphase flows and sprays, and also in the areas of sustainable energy, environmental protection and climate change. He holds lecturers within courses “Combustion and Radiation Modelling”, “Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics” and “Energy Engines”. He has over 100 publications in Scientific Journals, Books and International Conferences Proceedings to his credit.
Prof. Vujanović is a consultant to many industries and several public authorities. He is a member of the Combustion Institute, member of the European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, and member of the Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems.
Prof. Mário Costa
Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisboa, Portugal
Mário Costa (1960-2020) was a Full Professor in the area of Environment and Energy at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), where he taught several courses, including Thermodynamics, Combustion, Renewables Energies and Integrated Energy Systems.
He graduated in Chemical Engineering at University of Coimbra in 1984, obtained his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London in 1992 and his Habilitation in Mechanical Engineering at Technical University of Lisbon in 2009.He supervised more than 100 MSc, Phd and Postdoc students. He participated in more than 55 national and international projects in the area of Energy and Environment and (co-)authored one book, more than 140 papers in international peer-reviewed journals and more than 180 papers in international conferences. Mário served as Associate Editor of the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute and belonged to the Editorial Board of the Aerospace, Combustion and Flame, Energy Conversion and Management, Energies, and Energy and Fuels.
He was the recipient of the Caleb Brett Award of the Institute of Energy in 1991, of the Sugden Award of the British Section of the Combustion Institute in 1991, of the Prémio Científico UTL/Santander Totta in 2010 and of a Menção Honrosa Universidade de Lisboa/Santander in 2016.

Invited papers (12)
SPECIAL SESSION: Measuring sustainability - Dedicated to Prof. Naim Afgan, the founder of SDEWES conference series
Session resume:

The progress of sustainable development is difficult to measure, having sometimes competing indicators of economic, environmental and social progress. Many approaches have been used, based on various metrics and indices, multi-criteria analysis, external costs, exergy analysis, footprint methods, emergy, life cycle analysis, but none has given a conclusive method. The issue that some processes may lead to problems with cataclysmic consequences, while others may result in problems that are damaging but easily mitigated, has to be properly addressed. Also, there are problems with large immediate impacts, while others are with negligible immediate impact but may have positive feedback with huge effects later on. How to take into account immediacy, feedback, and many other issues deserve investigation. Special session is welcoming research in any method to measure sustainability, either as a global or local problem, of energy, water and environmental systems.

Prof. Natasha Markovska
Research Center for Energy and Sustainable Development - Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Skopje, North Macedonia
Natasa Markovska holds DSc degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Skopje, with thesis on solar energy technologies. At present she is a Senior Researcher at the Research Centre for Energy and Sustainable Development of MANU and Professor of the subject Energy and Climate Change at two master programs and a doctoral program of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, UKIM. Also, she serves as a National Focal Point of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and a Member of the International Scientific Committee of the Conferences on Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environmental Systems (SDEWES Conferences). She has been participating in 121 international and national projects related to climate change mitigation, sustainable development, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency and energy strategic planning, for clients such as UNDP, USAID, WB, European Commission, GIZ, Macedonian and other governments. In these fields, Dr Markovska co-authored 206 published contributions (58 in high impact journals, Scopus h-index = 23). She serves as a Subject Editor – Elsevier’s Energy, (EGY), Section Chief Editor (Environment, Energy Economics, Policies) – Elsevier’s Energy Reports (EGYR) and Associate Editor – Elsevier’s Smart Energy (SEGY). She served as an editor of the Second National Communication under UNFCCC and as a guest editor of 26 special issues of international journals (incl. 13 of Energy and 10 of Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews) dedicated to SDEWES Conferences.
Prof. Neven Duić
University of Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia
Neven Duic is a Professor in Energy Planning, Policy and Economics since 2001, at Power Engineering and Energy Management Chair, Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb. He is vice-president of Croatian Academy of Engineering and Chair of organising Committee of CAETS 2023. He is member of International Scientific Committee of Dubrovnik Conference on Energy, Water and Environment Systems since 2003 and chair of its Local Organising Committee since 2007. He is co-Editor of Energy Conversion and Management, subject Editor of Energy, Editorial Board member of Applied Energy, member of regional editorial board of Thermal Science Journal and Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. His research covers areas of energy planning of energy systems with high penetration of renewables, sustainable communities, energy policy, energy economics, mitigation of climate change, energy efficiency and combustion engineering.
Prof. Henrik Lund
Aalborg University
Aalborg, Denmark
Henrik Lund (born 2 July 1960) is a Danish engineer (M.Sc.Eng.1985) and Professor in Energy Planning at Aalborg University in Denmark. He holds a Ph.D. in Implementation of Sustainable Energy Systems (1990), and a Dr. Techn. in Choice Awareness and Renewable Energy Systems (2009).

Henrik Lund is a highly ranked world-leading researcher. He is listed among ISI Highly Cited researchers ranking him among the top 1% researchers in the world within engineering and on the Stanford list of top 2% scientists.

Henrik Lund has many years of management experience as head of department for approx. 200 staff persons (1996-2002), head of section for approx. 50 persons (2014 – 2016) and head of research group of 20-30 persons (2002 – present). During his time the Sustainable Energy Planning research group at Aalborg University has now grown to approx. 30 staff members including 4 professors.

Henrik Lund is Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier’s high-impact journal Energy with annual 10000+ submissions.

Henrik Lund is the author of more than 400 books and articles including the book ''Renewable Energy Systems”. He is the architect behind the advanced energy system analysis software EnergyPLAN, which is a freeware used worldwide that have form the basis of more than 200 peer reviewed journal papers around the world.
Prof. Zvonimir Guzović
University of Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia Zvonimir Guzović, a Full Professor at Turbomachinery Chair, Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, was born on May 20, 1958. Graduated (1982), M.Sc. (1988) and Ph.D. (1998) from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb. In November 1982 he joined the Turbomachinery Chair of Power Engineering Department of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zagreb, as assistant. In September 1988 he was promoted to research assistant, to senior assistant in April 1998, to assistant professor in March 2001, to associate professor in February 2006 and to full professor in April 2011, where he works today, doing his academic, scholarly and professional activities. He gives courses related to turbomachines (steam and gas turbines, turbo compressors, jet engines, wind and water turbines). His areas of interest are aerodynamics, thermodynamics, heat and mass transport phenomena and design of turbomachines. Recently he has aimed his investigations and scientific work to the renewable energy sources, especially to geothermal power plants and small hydro power plants. Prof. Zvonimir Guzović is Active Member of The New York Academy of Sciences and Secretary of Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems since 2003. He has more than 60 publications in scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. He worked on about 50 projects and technical reports which were related on turbomachines and power engineering generally. He was work package leader in Intelligent energy for Europe project and project leader of two projects financed by Ministry of science, education and sports of The Republic of Croatia. Since October 2014 he performs duty of the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.
Prof. Maria da Graça Carvalho
Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisbon, Portugal
Maria da Graça Carvalho is currently member of the European Parliament (2019-2024).
In the European Parliament she is a full Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) and a substitute Member on the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) and substitute member on Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM).
She follows as well the parliamentary Delegations for relations with the United States, for relations with the countries of Central America and Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly.
In the past, Maria da Graça Carvalho has also served as member of the European Parliament in the EPP group from 2009-2014. She sat on the Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) Committee as a full member and was a substitute member of the Committee on Budgets. In the Budget Committee, she acted during the 5 years as permanent EPP shadow rapporteur for the science and innovation budget and as rapporteur for the space budget.
As a MEP, she was appointed rapporteur of the Specific Programme Implementing HORIZON 2020 and of the report on Simplification of the Rules of Participation in the European Programs for Research and Innovation. In 2011, she was awarded the Prize for the best MEP in the area of Research and Innovation.
Maria da Graça Carvalho has been a Member of the Scientific Advice Mechanism Unit of the Directorate-General Research and Innovation of the European Commission from 2016 until 2019. She was a senior advisor of Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation from November 2014 to December 2015. She was Principal Adviser of President of the European Commission in the areas of Science, Innovation, Energy, Environment and Climate Change from 2006 to 2009. She was Minister of Science and Higher Education of the XV Constitutional Government and Minister of Science, Innovation and Higher Education of the XVI Constitutional Government of Portugal.
She is a Full Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon) and she has acquired 30 years of experience in research in the areas of energy, climate change and science, technology and innovation policy. She has published 130 articles in international scientific journals and more than 300 articles in books and conference proceedings. She is, herself, the author of two books and the editor of 17 books and special editions of international scientific journals in the field of energy.
She is a member of 22 scientific associations and fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) and has been a Deputy President of the Portuguese Institute of Engineers and remains a fellow of the Portuguese Institute of Engineers, of the Portuguese Academy of Science, of the Royal Academy of Engineers of Spain, a founder of the Portuguese Academy of Engineers and an Honorary Member of Academy Europaea. She has been an active collaborator of EASAC-European Academies Science Advisory Council and the Euro CASE-European Council of Applied Sciences Technologies and Engineering since the outset. She has been awarded the title of “Great Official of the Order of Public Instruction” by the President of Republic of Portugal and she was honoured with the “Great Cross of the International Order of Merit of the Discoverer of Brazil”. She is member of the Chancellery of the Orders of Merit of the Portuguese Republic.
Prof. Kemal Hanjalic
Delft University of Technology
Delft, Netherlands
(EU) Marie Curie Chair holder at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in Computer Modelling and Simulation for Industrial Thermo-Fluids Applications
PhD (Imperial College, London, UK). He served as Professor and Head of the Thermal and Fluids Sciences in the Department of Multi-scale Physics at TU Delft (1994-2005), Professor at the Michigan University of Technology, USA (1993-1994), DAAD Guest Professor at the Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany (2005-2006) and DFG Guest Professor at the University of Erlangen, Germany (1991- 1993). Prior to 1991, he was a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Institute for Process, Power and Environmental Engineering at the University of Sarajevo.
He has published extensively in theoretical and applied international journals and monographs on topics of fluid flow, turbulence measurements, modelling and simulation, heat transfer and combustion, buoyancydriven phenomena and magneto-fluid-dynamics. He has been internationally recognized as one of the pioneers and a major contributor to the development of mathematical models of turbulence and associated transport processes. His turbulence models have been widely applied both in research- and industrial computations of fluid flow, heat transfer, and combustion. His recent interest is focused on LES And hybrid LES/RANS of wall-bounded flows with heat transfer.
He has also worked on development of new equipment and processes in thermal engineering (piston and screw compressor, entrained coal-gasification, pulse combustor). He holds (with I. Smajevic) two patents on the detonation wave technique for on-line cleaning of gas-side surfaces in steam boilers fired by fossil fuels, which has been successfully used in several large boiler installations. He has consulted with industries in Europe, the USA and Singapore.
He is Editor-in-Chief of the international journal “Flow, Turbulence and Combustion” published by Springer, and is a member of the editorial and advisory boards of several other international journals. In 1992 he received the Max Plank Research Award for his achievements in the research of turbulence. He has been awarded a D.Sc. (Eng) from the Univ. London, UK, and has been elected International Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng) in UK and is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (FInstP), of ASME and of ICHMT.

Invited papers (14)
SPECIAL SESSION: Integration of Smart Cities and Smart Industry for Circular Economy: Energy, Water and Waste to Secondary raw material for Sustainable Future
Session resume:

At previous SDEWES conferences, the session has received considerable attention. A total of 30 abstracts were submitted to the organised special session for the upcoming SDEWES conference 2019 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Due to the high demand, it has been decided to organise this session again in 2020, this time for the 4th South East Europe SDEWES conference in Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina. The focus of the session is in line with the most recent research developments. The topics within the interests of this special session are the integration of energy, water and waste to secondary resources towards Smart Cities, Smart Industry and Smart Agriculture which can be a powerful tool to boost the sustainability in civic, industrial, agriculture and other activities. Due to the immense importance of knowledge dissemination and transfer, presentations are also invited into the field of knowledge management and especially knowledge transfer.

The research scope to be considered include smart cities, industrial processes and sites supply chain networks, municipalities and cities, regions and economies.

[+ more]
Dr. Yee Van Fan
University of Oxford
Oxford, United Kingdom
Dr Yee Van Fan, MPhil, is a Senior Researcher in Digitalisation, Circular Economy & Net Zero at Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford and a Researcher in the Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory, NETME Centre, Brno University of Technology. She serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilisation and Environmental Effects (Taylor and Francis), and Subject Editor of Energy (Elsevier) under the topic of Energy-Economic-Environment. Yee Van's research interest lies in material recovery and clean energy, supported by sustainability analysis, optimisation, and scenario modelling. Her research to date emphasises life cycle analysis of the solid waste management sector from micro to macro scales. This ranges from assessing optimal treatment strategies for waste collection and management systems to forecasting GHG emissions from waste flows by understanding relationships with demographic and socioeconomic factors. Her current research focuses on digitalisation as a potential enabler of net zero and circular economy targets.
Prof. Petar Sabev Varbanov
Szechenyi Istvan University
Gyor, Hungary
Prof Dr Habil Petar Varbanov is a Senior Researcher at the Szechenyi Istvan University in Gyor, Hungary. He obtained his PhD in Process Integration at a prestigious British University – UMIST, Manchester, with distinction. For performing research on minimising and mitigating Climate Change he was awarded a scholarship from the UK Tyndall Centre. Later he was awarded a prestigious Marie Curie EIF Fellowship and successfully performed research on Optimising the Start-up of Distillation Columns at the Technische Universität Berlin. This was followed by a Marie Curie ERG Fellowship for assisting his integration into the University of Pannonia – Hungary, where he is a Deputy Head of the Centre for Process Integration and Intensification CPI2. His experience covers energy saving, optimisation of energy supply networks, Process Synthesis and Process Operation. His research has been successfully implemented in collaboration with industrial partners: e.g. BP (UK) and MOL (Hungary). He has been contributing to 25 research and consultancy projects (most within the EC funding schemes) and has published more than 150 papers in peer-reviewed journals. He is a co-author of four books and several chapters in books.
He has been the Editor for “Energy – The International Journal” published by Elsevier.
Prof. Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno
Brno, Czech Republic
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Cleaner Production. The founder and President for 24 y of PRES (Process Integration for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction) conferences. Chairperson of CAPE Working Party of EFCE, a member of WP on Process Intensification and of the EFCE Sustainability platform. He authored and co-authored more than 700 papers, h-index reaching 65. A number of books published by Elsevier, Woodhead, McGraw-Hill; Ashgate Publishing Cambridge; Springer; WILEY-VCH; Taylor & Francis).
Several times Distinguished Visiting Professor at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and University Technology Petronas, Malaysia; Xi’an Jiaotong University; South China University of Technology, Guangzhou and Tianjin University in China; University of Maribor, Slovenia; Brno University of Technology and the Russian Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow. Doctor Honoris Causa of Kharkiv National University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” in Ukraine, the University of Maribor in Slovenia, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania. “Honorary Doctor of Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia”. Awarded with “Honorary Membership of Czech Society of Chemical Engineering", "European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) Life-Time Achievements Award" and "Pro Universitaire Pannonica" Gold Medal.

Invited papers (17)


Benchmarking the performance of cities across energy, water and environment systems
related metrics presents an opportunity to trigger policy learning, action, and cooperation to bring cities closer to sustainable development.